Favorite Recipes Logo

Favorite Recipes


I love trying out new recipes, especially ones that are vegan and vegetarian. I also have a few recipes that are my trusted, tried and true friends. I decided to build this site because I'm fed up with recipe sites that have so much extra, annoying things. I wanted to be able to share recipes with less headache.

What I don't need on a recipe page:

  • ads
  • a ton of text before getting to the actual recipe
  • pop ups
  • brand names in the ingredients list (unless it actually makes a difference in how the recipe turns out)
  • signups for newsletters
  • videos unrelated to the recipe
  • the feeling that the page is more about the person than the recipe

What I really want to see:

  • the ingredients
  • the steps
  • why the recipe is worth making and what makes it special (written in a concise way, not a billion paragraphs)

So here is my ongoing project to make a less stressful recipe site.

yellow food
Heather Nuffer

Happy recipe exploration and cooking!